Tuesday, September 10, 2013

week 1


Hi everybody,

        I am Yue Wen(Zoey). Currently, I am a student of Seneca College, studying Computer System Technology. I am enrolled in the SBR600, Software Build and Release. According to the requirement, I created this blog: SBR600. This blog will show all my ideas, plans, and actions about this course.

       As a beginner, there may be some errors in my blogs. So if you are also working on software build and release, please do not hesitate to point out my mistake. I will be very glad to discuss with you.  

Accounts for SBR600

  • Seneca Wiki User Page: http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/User:Yue_Wen
  • IRC nick: ywen
  • Learn ID: ywen10

Week 1 study 
1. Through the first introduction of SBR600, Pidora impressed me. As it is described on the open source@seneca, Pidora is a Fedora remix optimized specifically for the Raspberry Pi based on a brand-new build of Fedora for the ARMv6 architecture. According the professor's description, I felt that Pidora is very smart and have huge market in the future. 

Through searching, I found a list of Features about Pidora(quote from Open Source.com):
  • Almost all of the Fedora 18 package set available via yum (thousands of packages were built from the official Fedora repository and made available online)
  • Compiled specifically to take advantage of the hardware already built into the Raspberry Pi
  • Graphical first-boot configuration (with additional modules specifically made for the Raspberry Pi)
  • Compact initial image size (for fast downloads) and auto-resize (for maximum storage afterwards)
  • Auto-swap creation available to allow for larger memory usage
  • C, Python, & Perl programming languages available & included in the SD card image
  • Initial release of headless mode can be used with setups lacking a monitor or display
  • IP address information can be read over the speakers and flashed with the LED light
  • For graphical operation, Gedit text editor can be used with plugins (python console, file manager, syntax highlighting) to serve as a mini-graphical IDE
  • For console operation, easy-to-use text editors are included (nled, nano, vi) plus Midnight Commander for file management
  • Includes libraries capable of supporting external hardware such as motors and robotics (via GPIO, I2C, SPI)
2. During the first lab, I started using IRC. IRC is another new tool to me. Up to now, I still not very familiar with the functions of IRC. I will learn more about it during the following labs.
3. For the first lab, we installed Fedora for the future use.